'Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight'

The delightful promise by the Worlds leading brands

July 23, 2024
Robert McAvoy

Did you know that the biggest weight loss platforms in the world allow you to eat what you like and still lose weight?

Check out their promises below from their website:



Sounds amazing right?

You can continue to eat our cakes, buns, breads, and ice creams all guilt free, and still lose weight. Because apparently there is no such thing as bad foods.

But as we all know if a promise sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

And here’s why…

First off there are absolutely such things as “bad” foods, and eating them is killing us.

Most people’s food choices contain highly processed foods loaded with sugar.

And sugar just so happens to be the worlds biggest accelerator of ageing.

Eating it leads to chronic inflammation, diabetes, dementia, alzheimers, cancers, gout, heart attacks, depression and disease.

And its not just sugar alone. Lets be honest, sugar itself is not that addictive. If that was the case people would be running to grab bags of table sugar from the supermarkets and injecting it.

Its sugar combined with the highly processed ingredients such as the artificial flavourings, the flours, the syrups, the trans fats, the chocolate, all mixed together.

The food industry knows exactly how to get you addicted

And the weight loss industry know exactly how to sell you the dream

But who’s here to tell you the truth?

We’ll that where I come in

The system that these big companies use is actually quite true. That you can eat rubbish foods and lose weight.

You see you don’t actually need to eat healthily to lose weight. Its a myth.

You could eat nothing but 1 mars bar per day and lose weight. and whilst we know this wouldn’t be ‘healthy’ for us we do know it would get us lighter.

Similarly you could eat 10,000 apples per day and gain weight.

This proves to us that your ‘weight’ simply comes down to the quantity of food that you eat and not the quality.

and thats why big health platforms can allow you to eat what you want, but still help you lose weight because they control how much of it you eat.

The problem is that most people think no deeper than losing weight to look good. They don’t care that being lighter doesn’t always mean being healthier.

But I care, and you should too.

As an older woman there are many deeper considerations you need to think of when it comes to losing weight.

You don’t just want to be lighter whilst still be at risk of getting just as sick

The quality of your food always matters at any age, but more so than ever over 60

And thats why sugar is the last thing you should be eating

Infact sugar is that detrimental to our health that quitting sugar for just two weeks will lead to:

  • A drop in risk of diabetes to almost 100%,
  • Removal of inflammation in our arteries
  • Your risk for heart disease goes down
  • Less bloating
  • Your risk of cancer drastically lowers (because cancer loves sugar)
  • Less aches and pain in joints
  • Fat on your liver goes away
  • Your vision improves
  • Kidney disease will improve
  • Early signs of dementia and loss of memory will improve
  • And your immune system will strengthen

As an older woman you need to be eating age appropriate ingredients that have you thriving everyday.

By making sure you are eating enough good quality protein each day you will maintain your muscle & strength - not enough of it and you’ll age faster

Getting sufficient calcium in your foods each day will maintain your bone density - not enough of it and you’ll develop osteoporosis quicker

Getting the right vitamins, minerals and iron will keep your immune system bulletproof strong - without them you’ll get sick way more often

So the next time you see a diet platform telling you there are no such thing as good and bad foods remember they are designed to appeal to your pleasures and sell to the masses.

I’m not saying you can not ever eat foods we would label as ‘bad’.

But we need to remember that for optimal health we need to eat for purpose, not for pleasure.

And so as long as you have ate 90% of your foods purposefully for that day and all the important nutrients are covered, you have earned the right for some flexibility at the end

But absolutely none of us have a body that runs at its best by ‘eating only the foods that we love’

Stay vigilant to the media and the big ‘health’ companies. It’s all sales tactics and they’re not your best friend.

Remember a best friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to.

Stay strong,
